Wednesday, December 10, 2014

First Post (Exciting Title)

It's strange; I write so often, yet have been hesitant to start posting because I want every word I post to be insightful and sparkling with wit.   That isn't the way life works though, is it?   I suppose it's a given that a year from now I will look at this post and think, "how could I have written something so not in line with what I think now?"  Or "did I really post that?  What was I thinking?"  

The only thing I am thinking right now is that I have to start posting because stuff is running through my head and it wants to be written.   

I have felt suffocated my whole life. Some people might call it being repressed, but it feels deeper than that to me. I literally feel like my soul is entombed in this suffocating body.   It aches to be able to express itself beyond the confines of this flesh.   I can't remember a time when I didn't feel suffocated, not even when I was in those supposedly carefree days of childhood.

I hope I have reached the bottom point of suffocation and am now trying to push my way through the layers of darkness that have engulfed me.    I don't know what's at the end of that process, I don't even know if there is an end to the process.   I only hope I can find a place to breath.  

So where does the title of this blog come from?   It's my answer to the age old, "why am I here?" question.   If we accept the notion that we are souls on a physical journey, then there was a time before incarnation when we made the choice to be here.  (Because I can't fathom that the universe is random enough that we just arrive here without any forethought.)   Sometimes it feels like the bait and switch tactic was used, "go on back to Earth, you can do so much good, it won't be as bad as before.  And they have chocolate."   Yup, fell for that one.   Forget about the soul crushing pain, focus on the chocolate.   That's my life plan at this point; I'm here for the chocolate.

This does not mean I am abdicating my responsibilities toward my fellow journeyers.  This blog is my way of coping; it's a way of sharing my philosophy, which I hope others will read and be inspired to create their own philosophy.  We can't expect that any institution is going to save us from ourselves, we have to be our own saviors.  (Please note that that is not a capital S on savior; I have no interest in fighting about religion.)

We have to remember the truth of our being and use our power instead of continuing to think there is someone else out there who is somehow better qualified to live our lives for us. 

Tomorrow's post:  Just What Is This Philosophy Anyway?

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